Sunday 29 April 2018

DIY Revamped Jacket

Yesterday my mom pulled out a jacket that she has been wanting to wear recently but noticed that some of the buttons were missing. We decided to do a quick DIY to revamp it to make it look a bit new. It is a blue fabric coat that is perfect for spring time as the warmer weather is quickly arriving!

- Buttons
- Needle
- Thread
- Scissors

As you can some of the buttons we missing on the top portion. 

We removed all of them entirely but made sure we still knew the correct placement. 

Taking some new buttons that we bought from the craft store we sewed them on. 

Once we had finished this was the complete look!

Thank you for reading my quick post today! I wanted to show how easy a DIY can be without getting extremely detail-oriented. I hope you learned something new! 

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