Sunday 18 March 2018

Sister Style 02

Today is the second instalment of Sister Style and this one features our adventure to Toronto for the Santa Claus Parade. It was very exciting to venture into the city and see what it has to offer. It was magical to see all of the characters come to life and the amount of volunteers and musicians that were there to perform. It was an amazing experience yet it was very chilly. We dressed for the weather yet kept fashionable pieces in mind. Living in a colder climate in Canada, it is sometimes difficult to dress appropriately while still keeping your personal style in mind, but I think my sister and I captured that this day.

It was beautiful to see all of the bright and fun colours!
After the parade we headed to the subway to find our way to the mall. My green jacket is from Bedo (similar), my red flannel scarf which kept me very warm was from Urban Outfitters, my jean are from American Eagle (similar) and my Canada gloves are from the Hudson Bay
Underneath my jacket, my sweater is from Tommy Hilfiger (similar). 
For my sister's look, her jacket is from BCBG, her leggings are from TNA, her Canada gloves are from the Hudson Bay (similar) and her socks are from Roots.
To finish off the day we went to a local cafe and picked up some delicious desserts! I hope you enjoyed reading my post this week and got some inspiration from my sister and I for this season! 

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