Wednesday 16 May 2018

Maracas Bay, Travel Post 01

Being that it is the last day of August, I thought today I would start a new link to my blog that would feature travel posts. This summer has been a ton of fun and school is unfortunately quickly approaching. Travelling is something my family and I thoroughly enjoy and taking photos of new scenery is something I love. I'll being displaying some pictures I took while driving up to Maracas Bay in Trinidad and Tobago. This beach is one of the most famous beaches in Trinidad and is located on the north side of the island.
On the way up to the beach there were scenic views up the mountain that were breathtaking and it would be impossible not to take a photo. (or a few)

When we got up to the look out I decided to take some photos of my sister's outfit which was casual and cute: perfect for the beach!
 Her dress was a simple black and white striped t-shirt dress and her bandana was a simple navy one from Urban Outfitters.
Overall my trip to Trinidad and Tobago was an amazing trip and I'm glad I am able to share a bit of it with you. Thanks for reading!

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