Wednesday 26 September 2018

Fashion Designer's and their Start

Many famous and well-known fashion designers around the world today did not just make a single product and instantly become a world-wide known designer. Many had to work their way up to the top and had a hard life before reaching where they are today. The designers I am featuring today are people that I look up to because of the clothes they design and people that they are. It takes a lot to become a fashion designer because of the time in effort you must put into the business. I admire their work ethic and their ambition for the the profession they have.

1. Coco Chanel

Chanel is one of the largest brands in the world selling items ranging from handbags, shoes and clothing items. This designer did not have an easy start as she was raised in an orphanage and was taught how to sew. To become the self-made woman she is today, she first launched her first fragrance in 1920 named Chanel No. 5.
In 1926 she went on to design and introduce what is known today as the "LBD" also known as the little black dress. In magazines today the one "must have item" in you closet should be a LBD and she started this almost 90 years ago! She is also majorly known for introducing the concept of using jersey fabric to create and embellish various clothing pieces. In the 20th century she was put onto Time Magazine's list of "100 Most Influential People."

2. Georgio Armani

Georgio originally started his career in a garment's shop and assisted in photography. The 1970's is when he began designing and in 1975 established his own brand. I admire his vision and outlook for his company right from the beginning and was one he did not give up on. In 1979 he started and established Georgio Armani Corporation.

3. Calvin Klein

Today Calvin Klein is one of the most loved designers. The comfy athletic wear look is one that is very popular and Calvin Klein has mastered it to a T.
He was born in 1947 in Bronx New York and originally began alone and taught himself how to sew and sketch at a young age. He always dreamt of being a fashion designer one day. To begin with though, he worked in a grocery store to get some extra cash. Eventually, in 1968 he founded Calvin Klein Ltd as we know today. Klein was award the Coty Award by the Fashion Press in 1973-1975.

4. Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton's brand was founded in 1854 making it the oldest designer brand I have researched. He was born in 1821 in France. Sadly, his mother died when he was 10 and at age 13 left for Paris after many family problems. In 1852 Napolean's wife hired him as her personal box maker and packer which is interesting to see worlds collide. He then went on to open his own ownship and in 1892 his son took over his brand.

*Note: Pictures are not my own. Credit goes to original photographers.*

Thank you for reading! I really enjoyed learning new information on these designers and I hope you gained some knowledge on them as well!

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