Sunday 15 July 2018

DIY Pin Collar Accessory

Recently I came up with this DIY that is incredibly unique and different to what you typically see. Most people use a bold statement necklace to accessorize their looks because it gives it a pop to the outfit. But I recently saw this unique twist on Pinterest which took a necklace to a different level.

- Pins (found at craft store)
- Jump-rings (found at craft store)
- Chain (found at craft store)
- Choice of jewel/flower (found at craft store)
- Hot glue gun


First I removed all of the materials from their packaging.

Then I glued my flower onto my pin also making a hole in the fabric. This hole will allow us to attach the jump ring further on. 

Then I cut down the gold chain so that it would not be too long when it was attached. 

Then I attached the jump ring to the gold chain.

Next I attached it to the fabric and closed the jump ring shut. 

Finally, I attached it to my shirt! 
Thank you for reading! 

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